Confidence Therapy

For women who feel STUCK.

Woman in pink jumper holding up pink cards that reads "You are a bloody gorgeous human"

What I do

I specialise in helping women with

overthinking minds and sensitive hearts

go from self-critical and crippled by doubt,

to feeling capable and calm,

with unshakeable confidence.

My style is gentle, completely judgment-free, and totally bespoke to your needs. You want someone who just gets it, and I get that. My approach will transform how you feel about yourself, in a way that sticks. No quick fixes here, we’re talking deep, lasting change.

Imagine waking up, totally free of that negative self-chatter, loving who you are and ready to live life to the fullest.

You don’t have to do it alone.

  • Therapy you’ll actually look forward to… and enjoy!

GIF of Taylor Swift saying "I'm the problem, it's me".

Real Talk

You know you’ve got more to offer but…

  • Your overthinking mind and sensitive heart is leaving you exhausted.

  • You feel stuck, frazzled and like something has to change.

  • At work, you use all of your energy being the version of you that you think you should be. Behind closed doors, you have no energy left to do the things that actually make you happy.

  • You’re plagued by that little voice that says “You’re a fraud. You don’t belong here.”

  • You thought that by this point in your life you’d have let go of those nerves and self-doubt, but it just hasn’t happened.

  • That chip on your shoulder is getting heavy, and you’re starting to resent it.

  • You’re in a constant battle with yourself to be more confident, speak up more, push yourself forward more, but “more” is never enough.

  • Kindness is your middle name. It’s just a shame you can’t show that kindness to yourself too.

  • You know you want to feel confident, happy and free, you just don’t know how to get there.

GIF of Chandler from Friends saying "What must it be like not to be crippled by fear and self-loathing."
GIF of white woman with dark hair crying under a desk, holding a red wine bottle.

Fancy a freebie?

Click the button below for my free guide: How to Instantly Boost Your Confidence


  • Understand

    Explore where your lack of confidence stems from and why you feel so held back.

    Don’t worry. This isn’t about blame or finding reasons that aren’t there, but truly understanding how your mind works and what it’s trying to tell you.

  • Process

    Next, it’s time to let go of the deep routed, negative beliefs that are making you unhappy and keeping you small. This is where most of the Hypnotherapy comes in.

    There’s nothing to be scared of! All you need to do is sit back, let me do the work, and enjoy feeling the most relaxed you probably ever have.

  • Build

    It’s as close to a fresh start as you can get! Now it’s time to build your unshakeable confidence and self-belief.

    As well as the deep shifts you’ll see through our sessions, I’ll also give you real world tools to use at home.

What makes Hypnotherapy so special?

It’s about making real change by accessing the deepest part of your subconscious mind that you aren’t aware of. It’s like having a backstage pass for your brain!

A powerful therapy session that rewires your mind, whilst you sit back and relax.

Talking about things is great, but with Hypnotherapy we can go waaaay deeper and make big, lasting change.

5 reasons women reach out to me…

🌊 They feel like they’re drowning. It’s all just too much. They’re wearing so many hats and feel like they’re failing at them all. They’re doing so much but it never feels good enough.

🤔 They’re second guessing their decisions. They’ve lost all courage in their convictions. They know they’ve got so much going for them, but it just doesn’t FEEL that way, and their confidence is at an all-time low.

🤩 They want to live a fuller, happier life. They’re sick of jumping to their automatic response of saying no to opportunities. They know their time here is limited, and they’re ready to actually make the most of it.

🪢 It’s time to say goodbye to that knot in their stomach, the tightness in their chest, and their racing thoughts. It’s exhausting and they want more from life than just living with it.

🧳 They’re ready to ditch the emotional baggage that’s holding them back. A life of what ifs, regret, guilt, feeling not good enough, people pleasing, holding themselves back.

Most of all, they’re curious about what they’d be capable of if they let all of that go.

How free they’d feel. How happy they could actually be.




WHat my clients say…

Client love. Feedback from Christina saying "Feeling as free as a bird and as light as a feather today. You have magical powers."
Client love. Feedback from Gillian saying "I have no words to truly let you know just how glad I am that I just went for it when I was pointed in your direction."
Client love. Feedback from Lucy saying "Thank you for helping me find the way to living the rest of my life through happier eyes. My words will never ever do you the justice."